Thursday 7 May 2020

how to increase your immunity


immune system,immunity
immune system

    Your immune system should be strong to fight against foreign material,                    virus, bacteria & other harmful things. So you should be maintain your                    immunity.   
  You can boost your immunity by taking some good diet and                       exercise and by giving some time for yoga .So we should take some good             diet which is help to improve or maintain the immunity and you  should do   exercise and yoga.                  
So I am giving you some diet related knowledge to increase your immune system because if your immune system will be strong so you will also become strong, so let’s see…..

     1.   Gooseberry  –
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    ·        in the gooseberry citric acid is present in large amount.  And citric acid is              also a good source to maintain the immune system so we should take the gooseberry to maintain or increase the immunity.
    ·        You can take gooseberry directed or in addition of some other immunity               booster like honey.
    ·        Take the juice of gooseberry with a small proportion of honey and add this                diet in your daily life.

     2.   Beetroot - 

beetroot,immune system,immunity

    ·        In the beetroot there are many chemical active constituent is present which         are a good source to increase your immunity
    ·        You should take the beetroot with your dinner or breakfast as a salad and           also take it in large amount to make your immunity strong.
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    ·        You can take the juice of the beetroot also for a healthy body.

     3.  Turmeric –

turmeric,immunity,immune system

    ·        The main chemical constituent of turmeric is Curcumin  which is a yellow           colour powder.
    ·        The Curcumin have the many important uses
              i.        It is use in the pain.
              ii.        Use in the some liver disease
              iii.        Use on the skin for beauty purpose
              iv.        It play a major role on the immune system

    ·        So we should take the turmeric in our daily diet.
    ·        It is also a great spice, so we can take it in food.
    ·        We can also take it with milk (boil with milk).

     4.   Pomegranate –

pomegranate,immunity,immune system

    ·        Pomegranate is a very useful fruit.
    ·        It helps to thin your blood if your blood is very thick
    ·        It is also useful for the some heart disease
    ·        It play a major role in immune system
    ·        We can take it directly of by making its juice
    ·        Both juice and pomegranate seed is very useful

     5.   Garlic –

immune system,immunity,garlic

    ·         Garlic is most commonly used for conditions related to the heart and blood system.
    ·        Garlic can reduce blood pressure
    ·        It is use as flavouring agent
    ·        It can also help to make strong immune system
    ·        We can take raw garlic also without cooking
    ·        You can take it in food but you should nor cook it more

     6.  Ginger –

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     ·        Ginger have many important function
     ·        It helps to digestion
     ·        It is use as a flavouring agent
     ·        It is you in cold and cough
     ·        It is also use as carminatives
     ·        Use as condiment
     ·        It is a antibacterial and help the immune system
     ·        So we should take it for maintain our health and make immune system               strong                              
     ·        We can take it in food, vegetable, tea &can take its juice also.



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