Friday, 15 May 2020

Use of turmeric | हल्दी खाने से हो सकता है ये | Turmeric benefits

        Use of turmeric


Turmeric-: turmeric is a yellowish colour substance or powder and it is use for many effects in the body and outside of the body also. It has many therapeutic effect which is very useful substance.
          It have a compound Curcumin by which it have may important uses in our daily life like anti inflammatory, great spice, effect on immune system etc.


          Generally we are using the turmeric at home as a spice or with milk and for some other basic need, but it have many more effects which we don’t know and unable to use for more purpose.
          So today you will know about more and more features of turmeric and you can use it by self you don’t need more apparatus or more time.

See below…………………..

1.   Clean your skin -: turmeric has very important action on the skin, it can chelps to clean your skin and helping to glowing your skin and brighter your skin.


          Take one or two teaspoonful turmeric powder and mix it with a small portion of water and make paste of it and use it on your skin and leave for some time and then clean your skin. Do it for about one month you will get a good result on your skin.

2. Antibacterial or antiseptic -: turmeric has antibacterial and antiseptic action also, so we can use it for antibacterial and antiseptic. It will help to remove bacteria to your body and safe your body to any harmful bacteria.
          Take a teaspoonful turmeric powder and mix it with a glass of milk and take it daily. You will be safe from any virus, also help on the skin for antiseptic effect on wounds and cuts.

 Use-turmeric,turmeric,termeric-benifits,immune system

3. Increasing immunity -: the turmeric have the chemical constituent Curcumin which have many action on your body. In which it also give the effect on your immunity. If your immune system will be strong so you will be strong also, so turmeric can helps to increase your immunity and safe your body.
          So add the turmeric milk in your diet and keep the virus bacteria and any other foreign material away which can show bad effect on your body.

4. Control diabetes -:  diabetes it a disease in which the amount of glucose (sugar) is increased in the blood and it also leads many other disease, like if you are suffering from diabetes so hilling of any wounds and cuts will take  a long time and some other  disease. So diabetes is very serious disease.

                  Take a spoonful turmeric powder and mix it in a glass of water and take it daily, if you will take it early morning before breakfast so it will be more effective. The water of turmeric is more effective rather than turmeric milk. So take it daily and you will see the effect in your diabetes.

5. in cancer treatment-: cancer is a very dangerous disease which can harm your body and at least it can cause also death.


          The use of turmeric water is helps to prevent the virus of cancer, and prevent to grow the cancer. The turmeric has a chemical constituent Curcumin by which it have its therapeutic effect for cancer and some more problems.

6. Treatment of arthritis -: the arthritis is a disease related to the joints in which your joints (knee joints, hand joints) are swell and pain in your joints it is occur mostly in old people.


          The use of turmeric water with honey is helps to treat the arthritis. The turmeric have the anti inflammatory action and it action is very helpful in the arthritis. So take daily a glass of turmeric milk or turmeric water for healthy body.
          Turmeric powder can be used by making paste and applying on the joints, it is also helpful.

7. Reduce swallow -: turmeric is also helps to reducing swallow in your body if you are suffering from any type of swell so you should use turmeric.


          Make paste of turmeric and apply that place where is swelling and you will see result. It will reduce your swelling.
8. Reduce fat -: fat is a very big problem in some person who is suffering from fat because everyone wants to be fit. If you are also suffering from fat and you are using many method to reduce your fat and weight and you are fail so you should take turmeric.


          Make turmeric water by mixing a spoonful turmeric powder and boiling water and mix some drops of lemon juice and use it at early morning before breakfast(empty stomach).

9. Help to reduce stress -: in today life everyone have many work load in their personal and social life because everyone are working daily to serve himself and his family. Because of it you are taking tension. And you are thinking about more and more.


          So taking a glass of turmeric milk or turmeric water is help to reduce your stress it will be give relief to you, and helps to remove your stress from your mind.

10. Treatment of Constipation -: Constipation is a very serious disease related to your digestive system in which digestion of your food is not work properly and  it leads Constipation In  your body and it can leads some more problems.


          By taking a glass of turmeric water at daily basis it can help to treat the Constipation and help in your digestion also.


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